Home: Application for analyses General conditions



The staff of the SAPIGH platform agree not to publish nor communicate the scientific information and data belonging to the user of the platform within a limit of 3 years after having provided the results, and this whether oral, written or in any other medium.


Conditions :

• Except in the case of a justified refusal of the user of the platform, 3 years after the data have been submitted, we will add the data to a global pigment datbase created by the LOV which will be rendered accessible to the scientific community. The P.I.'s of these data will be clearly referenced in the global database.

• We reserve the possiblity to use certain raw data (chromatography, absorption spectra etc...) within the LOV for method development or educational activites.



The technical and scientific production of the SAPIGH platform should be clearly identified and recognised in any publication based on the data provided by the platform. This can be in the form of an acknowledgement such as:


"The analysis of pigments were performed by X from the SAPIGH analytical plateform of the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (CNRS-France)."


The users of the SAPIGH platform agree to inform it's technical manager about any publication or written or oral communication derived from the work carried out by the anaytical service and to send her the complete references as well as an electronic or printed version of the document.

The SAPIGH platform provides, above all, a service for the analysis, quality control and distribution of pigment concentrations within the frame of oceanographic cruises or laboratory projects.


These conditions should be accepted by the applicant by sending the signed user's guide with the purchase order form.

English (United Kingdom)